lundi 31 janvier 2011

Athene’s Theory of Everything

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Chiren Boumaaza, aka Athene, is an extravagant Internet celebrity, with over 240 million upload views, and a professional gamer.

If you haven’t heard of him, he’s a record holder in World of Warcraft and online poker, and plays the main character in a series of videos on a popular YouTube channel with well over 340,000 subscribers.

Athene is known for crashing gaming servers, with the aid of his massive army of followers, who just love to be part of the controversy and trouble Athene is so well known for.

Over the past year, we haven’t heard much from him, and it seemed as though he had fallen off the grid.

Recently Chiren broke his silence, and announced that his disappearance was due to being very busy, conducting new research in the fields of quantum mechanics, general and special relativity, and neuroscience. (WTF!!!)

He continued to say that this research is culminating in significant new discoveries that will be presented in a documentary named Athene’s Theory of Everything.

This was definitely an unexpected turn, and caused quite a stir, and some confusion within his fan base.

I highly doubt that this video has any scientific value, knowing the background of this guy, but anyways let’s have a look. Just for fun.

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