dimanche 13 février 2011

If The Oil Runs Out

The demand for energy has risen relentlessly over the last 150 years in line with industrial development and population growth. And as economies of developing countries like China and India continue to grow, it is predicted demand will rise by a further 50% by 2030. President Bush has already warned the United States that it is too reliant on oil, often from “unstable” countries, and that it must find alternatives.
Geologists are searching in Arctic Alaska, around the Falkland Islands and under the oceans for the last remaining sizable reserves of oil. But what will happen if the fuel crisis is not resolved?
Blending drama and doc.6zik.com, the IF series returns with a film investigating a scenario many experts fear will come true. When the cheap oil we depend on starts to run out, we may not be able to take anything for granted any more.
Watch the full doc.6zik.com now (playlist)

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