mardi 1 février 2011

Oklahoma City: What Really Happened?

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The laws of physics coupled with a lifetime of experience with explosives and munitions convinced General Partin that the magnitude and pattern of the damage done to the Murray building were totally inconsistent with a single truck bomb, especially one detonated outside of the building. Just as people tend to remember major historic events, Oklahomans will always remember where they were the morning of April 19th 1995. I was in my office that morning, which is about five miles from downtown Oklahoma City, and just like most the residents of Oklahoma City; I felt and heard the explosions at the Murrah Federal Building. In the days and weeks following that tragic morning, I began to have serious questions about the government’s official explanation.

For example, the reported size of the bomb was upgraded several times, also the many reports of explosive devices found in the building was continually discounted. Another question was about John Doe number two and how the importance and status of John Doe number two was continuously changed throughout the course of the investigation. Another reason for my questioning was the analysis done by General Benton Partin and also many other experts in areas such as chemistry, explosives, seismology, and demolition.

At that point I began to consider how I could get the facts of this case to the American people. My first course of action was to call on the speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives to form a special committee. The purpose of that committee would be to act as an oversight committee in a function much like the mini checks and balances we have at many levels of our government. Unfortunately that request was denied by the speaker and he and the governor both were very critical of that request saying that people need to have more faith and trust in their federal government and its’ agencies.

Frankly, that goes against what I believe in elected official’s responsibility is to its’ constituents and the American people. I began looking into alternative methods of communication. In this production and documentary, what we do is offer you eyewitnesses and experts and let you draw your own conclusion about what really took place in Oklahoma City on April 19th.

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