mardi 1 février 2011

Secret Space

Secret Space takes you deep inside the dark occult world of NAZI Germany, where Jews and ex-French Resistance fighters were used as slave labour to develop rocket-based weapons such as the V2 and the V1 ‘Doodlebug’ – the forerunner of today’s ‘Cruise’ missile. We explain how ex-SS Nazis were brought to America by the CIA under ‘Project Paperclip’ and given senior posts at NASA. We also see how NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasedena was set-up by Jack Parsons – a rocket engineer who was a disciple of Aleister Crowley.

From the late 1940s onwards, an unholy alliance of O.T.O devotees, NAZIs and senior 33rd degree Freemasons dupe the American taxpayer of billions of dollars and fake several moon missions in order to further their work on secret ‘black budget’ operations – a series of secret space programmes designing space vehicles and weapons systems to thwart attacks by alien craft… For the first time on film we see the ‘Baby Shuttle’ – a small space shuttle which fits inside the payload of the existing space shuttle and is then released into outer space for covert operations.

…It sounds incredible – but Secret Space contains a wealth of documents, photos and footage which proves that all this and more has come to pass. Secret Space exposes the fact that nearly all the first American astronauts into space were high ranking 32 and 33rd degree Freemasons. And that the brother of one of the Apollo Mission managers was appointed Sovereign Grand Commander of all Freemasons in America as a ‘thankyou’ for engineering the fake Apollo moonshots of 1969.

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